Second Transnational Project Meeting for TIWI Project
The 2nd partners meeting for TiWi took place on 8 and 9 April at the European Schoolnet’s Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. It involved dense sessions and discussions aimed at finalising details for the next steps in the project, lead by the partners Ugdymo Plėtotės Centras (UPC) , University of Cyprus (UCY), Universidad Deusto (UDEUSTO), Le Mans University (LMU) and of course European Schoolnet.
A few focal points were highlighted, for instance, discussing the final improvements in career materials to be included within the modules while providing a defined structure to the MOOC. The self-assessment questionnaire concentrated on the use of inquiry for teaching programming. On this regard, developing and implementing learning activities to pilot the teacher’ and student’s questionnaires in four countries. For this, soon there will be a call launched in four countries (Lithuania, Spain, Cyprus, and France) to select focus teachers to contribute in the project by trying out questionnaires in their classrooms before and after implementation of inquiry-based activities (Inquiry Learning Spaces).
The meeting had a fruitful outcome and each single partner outlined the next steps to take in order to contribute to a successful project implementation and documentation.
The next meeting will be in Bilbao; until then stay on the look out for any update.
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